#epicurious Study

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Photo Credit: Gina T. (#epicurous blogger)

Ciao! Welcome to Eat Teach Repeat LOL. My name is Gina and I am currently a junior Elementary Education student with English and Writing Arts at Rowan University. How would I define myself? Well… I am a “Nutella “connoisseur”, wannabe world traveler, sarcastic, sassy, and short. Aside from that, I am a massive foodie! Prior to my decision to enter the field of education, I was pretty gung ho about Culinary/Pastry Arts. Although I am not taking up anything culinary related at Rowan, I still have a passion for food. You could say I am “epicurious”. Curious as to what epicurious means? You’ve come to the right blog! Epicurious is a self-titled label given to those who are have an appreciation for all things food. There is something so universal about food. Every culture has it’s forms, recipes, preferences as do every individual. Food unites and “breaking bread” with some, especially a large community, is a fantastic way to interact. Food presents a nonverbal form of communication. It is spiritual and can be expressed in as little as a facial expression or gesture. However, through conversation- be it in person, in text, or on the web- we as people gain strong bonds and fulfill voids. Sharing an appreciation for food promotes enlightenment. For those who take great interest in sharing insight or gaining insight as to how people connect through food, than your search engine has navigated you to the right place. I have decided to utilize this blog as a blank canvas for research gathered from the hashtag “epicurious”. I want to reveal and collect a significant amount of information regarding how people in the cooking community interact via Twitter. I will be archiving as many tweets as possible that include #epicurious and building a study from the data. I hope you have a hearty appetite because we’ve just made a reservation for at Eat.Teach.Repeat.LOL. Pull up a chair, grab your cutlery, and let’s dig into some delicious curiosity pertaining to #epicurous!

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me at @gina_tomasetti


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